Mariah Moore, Onaway High School Onaway Michigan Filipino Weapons Demo


To learn more about me, what I do, and what I live for, please read my older posts. There is a lot of insight into my life and my work, not just as a martial artist, but as a human being.

Monday, September 29, 2008

I'M INSPIRED! Gerald R. Ford Job Corp September 29th 2008

Me with Mr. Williams

Presenting Mr. Marks with an inspirational photo- it says "I can't means I don't want to."


Me with the security students of Mr. Marks

Me with the student governement.

John Pierre and I...He's awesome-at everything! He speaks 9 languages and did amazing at the stick drills I taught him right away!

What a blast! Today I went downtown Grand Rapids and met some amazing and very special people.

You never know who's watching so always do and be your best!
Back when I was about 8 or 10 years old, a man by the name of Craig Marks traveled the local martial arts circuit at the same time I did. He remembered me competing and winning a lot of weapons events. Then about 6 months ago, he read about me online and followed my journey through the World Championships and read about my community service work. When I got home, he sent me an email and we hit it off and he invited me to speak and perform at the Gerald R. Ford Job Corp where he is a teacher. He said he was a little nervous about whether a 14 year old girl could handle it. HMMM. That sounded like a challenge I couldn't resist!

I prepared my "Speech" , I practiced my lines, I polished my performances...I was ready to inspire!

Guess what? The tables were turned and I got inpired! I met some very cool people. I can't tell you how amazing it is to look into the eyes of others who have incredible obstacles in their lives and see someone willing to work hard to make things better for themselves. These are people who have had very difficult very hard lives and they are making a difference. They are taking control of their lives and their own destiny. They are not taking "NO" for an answer. They are making things happen for themselves, inspite of it all. If you you're reading this and you know of a 16-24 year old that needs a chance-to get their GED and career training along with housing and food-send them to the Gerald R. Ford Job Center. This is a program for people who just need a chance to prove themselves and an opportunity to learn and grow. I found out they have all kinds of programs all over the country. The one here in Grand Rapids has a Security Division, Culinary Arts, Contracting, and more!

Anyway, I had a lot of fun. First I performed, then gave a motivational speech(I think everyone liked it too!) Then I did one more performance. I got to tour a little of the facility, saw Mr. Marks Security Center and then had breakfast with the student government. Thanks Dennis for a great breakfast and to everyone who helped prepare it! Quiche, bacon, danishes...OH MY! YUM!

Thanks Everyone for the warm welcome and the inspiration!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mariah -

Thank you so much for inviting me to your performance at the Grand Rapids Job Corps.

You are amazing! Inspiring! and Incredible!

Jan - Mich I Can Today

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