Mariah Moore, Onaway High School Onaway Michigan Filipino Weapons Demo


To learn more about me, what I do, and what I live for, please read my older posts. There is a lot of insight into my life and my work, not just as a martial artist, but as a human being.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

August 22, West Michigan Whitecaps Game!

What a fun night!

I was asked to perform at the West Michigan Whitecaps game last night and it was the BOMB! I went on right before the game started and had a blast. The crowd loved it. I could hear comments from the stands, "I wouldn't mess with her!" There were several martial arts schools there. One was Standale Karate. Rick Heath is Sensei there and, he has been one of my judges on the local circuit many times. He stopped by to say "Hi" and said he couldn't believe how much I grew and I think he was surprised to see me do all those weapons! Anyway, I met some new friends and ate some Nachos and Popcorn and it was a great fun night! Noah was a little bummed that he didn't catch a Whitecaps Ball but he did get his picture taken with Crash and that made his day. This was my first baseball game and I have to say, they really go all out to make it a fun experience for everyone, especially the kids! They slung hotdogs into the stands, had contests, played music, and had kids throw out most of the first pitches.

Thanks Mr. Snodgrass and everyone at the West Michigan Whitecaps!

1 comment:

Hawke said...

Look like you had a lot of fun.

I still never been to a baseball game.

Only time I swing a stick it's usually targeted against another person.

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