Mariah Moore, Onaway High School Onaway Michigan Filipino Weapons Demo


To learn more about me, what I do, and what I live for, please read my older posts. There is a lot of insight into my life and my work, not just as a martial artist, but as a human being.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


I just wanted you all to know the top ten things that I want to do in my life time. (in no order)

  1. I want to become a black belt in Ro-Ken karate and Arnis Sikaran Jornales System
  2. I want to be in a Hollywood movie (or two! ;))
  3. I want to possibly become a model
  4. I want to have my own karate school where I would teach all the martial arts that I have a black belt and teach the kids and adults that want to learn the arts
  5. I want to be known all around the world for my accomplishments
  6. I want to reach the goal of winning 8 world titles
  7. I want to teach a student that makes it to be a world champion
  8. I want to become a Master in Arnis, Karate, and Silat, and whatever else I come across
  9. I want to make all my family and friends that believe in me proud to know me
  10. I want to be a clear image of the wonderful Bruce Lee

I just thought that some of you might want to know where I want to go with my Martial Arts. This has already been a wonderful experience and I am really looking forward to the future and what it hold for me.

To those who think that they can get me down by making fun of me and starting roomers about me, have fun! It only works for a second than I am over it. I know that my future is bright, I will be praying for you to find yourself like I found you can quit obsessing about mine and start learning what you can do.

To those who believe in me and hope that I will make it big one day, I really cannot tell you how much it means to me that you care about me and what my future holds. I have the best coaches in the world, they believe in me and helped make me what i am today. I also have the best family in the world. I cannot tell you how many times my sister and brother have sat at my performances and demos. Thank you guys! and my mom and dad, I could not ask for better parents. They have helped me accomplish my tasks and they help me to my feet when I am on the ground. They are there for me day or night to help me. I love you all! And to my "fans" and community, I could not ask for anything more! even though I don't live in a huge town, you guys make a huge difference in my life. Everyone has been so helpful in helping me fund raise, and help me be where I am today.

And last but not least, I want to thank my Best Friend in the whole world Alli for always being there for me. She is there in the middle of the day of night if I need her. It means a lot to me that you care about me as much as I care about you. We have been BFF's since Kindergarten and i hope our friendship will last a lifetime and beyond. You mean the world to me and I do not know what I would do without you! :) I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all for helping me so much! I have only begun my journey and I really appreciate all that all of you have done for me! I could not be who I am today if it wasn't for you.


Mushtaq Ali said...

I think you already have #9 down pretty well :-)

Mike 'Bwana' Blackgrave said...

Kamusta ka na Mariah...From what I hear from my good friend Mushtaq I would say your well on your way to accomplishing the goals you have set. Always remember that it is the journey that truly matters and not the destination. At your young yet highly accomplished age I can understand the eagerness to accomplish (I to was that way many moons ago). You will find with time that everything you want will happen if you choose it to, just keep your heart and mind open and surround yourself with good people and you will survive and persevere through the pitfalls that life brings us. I look forward to working with you this spring at the gathering. I was supposed to be at the last two but it seems every time they come close I get years of doing this stuff gets you a bit banged up. Take care and drive on...You will do well!

Punong Guro Michael Blackgrave
BaHad ZuBu
Western HQ SATX

Buzz Smith said...

"You are rich or poor, not by what you hold in your hand but by what you hold in your heart. The memories, friends, and accomplishments you make in your life is the measure of your wealth".

Buzz Smith said...

Fight Tunes!

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North American International Karate Championships, Detroit Michigan Competition for Grand Champion

Kent County Youth Fair Talent Show 1st Place Performance - Mariah and Noel Loveless "Boom Boom POW!"

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